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Top Ten Tips for the Comic Con Newbie!

By 11:54:00 AM , , , , ,

So we are right in the middle of Con Season and recently I was asked to share with you all my tips for your first trip to a Con! Since this weekend is The Amazing Las Vegas Comic Con and I know a lot of you are attending I am so excited to share this post with you! 

1. Buy your tickets ahead of time!- My very first con I had no idea what I was doing and ended up spending nearly two hours of my time in line just trying to get tickets. Granted it was still awesome because I got to talk to a lot of fellow geeks and see some amazing cosplay but now that I'm a pro at this I always buy my tickets beforehand.

2. Dress Comfortable and wear good shoes- Seriously you will be on your feet all day long and standing for good portions of time. Be as comfortable as possible!
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3. Bring a backpack- Yes you will have them check it before you go in but honestly you are going to need something to carry around all the awesome things you are going to purchase! Sure you can pick up bags there and that is perfectly fine but if you bring your own bag you already know where all the pockets are and you can have it stocked with goodies which brings us to.....

4. Snacks!- There is usually food and drink offered at a vendor but if you wanna save your hard earned dollars for awesome stuff then you should go ahead and bring your own! Total life saver when you are standing in line!
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5. Wipes!- The Con Crud is no joke. With that many people in one place there are bound to be lots of germs. I keep wipes just to try and elimate as much exposure as possible. Also somehow I always stick my hand in some sort of mystery substance that requires cleaning. I'm a mess I know. 

6. Art Sleeves- Now this is one that really depends on how much art you plan on purchasing. A lot of artists already have their art in a sleeve and usually you can find a vendor that sells them for like a buck but if you wanna save and be prepared bring your own! 

7. Take ALL THE BUSINESS CARDS- If you find an artist that you like but you aren't ready to purchase yet make sure you take their card! That way you can find them online later or at other conventions and take your time browsing! BONUS- Write the Aisle/Booth Number on the back of the card if you want to come back to that artist later in the day or the next day! This has saved me SO MUCH TIME. 
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8. Cash- Keep some cash on hand for autographs (it is easier on the handler of the celebrity you are seeing) and for smaller purchases. Yes most places accept card now but Cash will always be King. 

9. Budget- Go in with a budget in mind. Sure you think you will just spend a little but honestly when you get in there and start geeking out you are gonna need a budget to keep you from spending all the money!
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10. Camera- Take all the pictures. Seriously. Cosplayers work super hard on their costumes and I have found that they are always happy to stop and pose for a photo! Just be polite and ask nicely and you will get some gorgeous shots of some seriously talented people! 

So there you have it! My Top Ten Con Tips for the Con Newbie! If you are going to The Amazing Las Vegas Comic Con this weekend be sure to come back here and share some of your pictures!

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