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So we are right in the middle of Con Season and recently I was asked to share with you all my tips for your first trip to a Con! Since this weekend is The Amazing Las Vegas Comic Con and I know a lot of you are attending I am so excited to share this post with you! 

1. Buy your tickets ahead of time!- My very first con I had no idea what I was doing and ended up spending nearly two hours of my time in line just trying to get tickets. Granted it was still awesome because I got to talk to a lot of fellow geeks and see some amazing cosplay but now that I'm a pro at this I always buy my tickets beforehand.

2. Dress Comfortable and wear good shoes- Seriously you will be on your feet all day long and standing for good portions of time. Be as comfortable as possible!
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3. Bring a backpack- Yes you will have them check it before you go in but honestly you are going to need something to carry around all the awesome things you are going to purchase! Sure you can pick up bags there and that is perfectly fine but if you bring your own bag you already know where all the pockets are and you can have it stocked with goodies which brings us to.....

4. Snacks!- There is usually food and drink offered at a vendor but if you wanna save your hard earned dollars for awesome stuff then you should go ahead and bring your own! Total life saver when you are standing in line!
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5. Wipes!- The Con Crud is no joke. With that many people in one place there are bound to be lots of germs. I keep wipes just to try and elimate as much exposure as possible. Also somehow I always stick my hand in some sort of mystery substance that requires cleaning. I'm a mess I know. 

6. Art Sleeves- Now this is one that really depends on how much art you plan on purchasing. A lot of artists already have their art in a sleeve and usually you can find a vendor that sells them for like a buck but if you wanna save and be prepared bring your own! 

7. Take ALL THE BUSINESS CARDS- If you find an artist that you like but you aren't ready to purchase yet make sure you take their card! That way you can find them online later or at other conventions and take your time browsing! BONUS- Write the Aisle/Booth Number on the back of the card if you want to come back to that artist later in the day or the next day! This has saved me SO MUCH TIME. 
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8. Cash- Keep some cash on hand for autographs (it is easier on the handler of the celebrity you are seeing) and for smaller purchases. Yes most places accept card now but Cash will always be King. 

9. Budget- Go in with a budget in mind. Sure you think you will just spend a little but honestly when you get in there and start geeking out you are gonna need a budget to keep you from spending all the money!
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10. Camera- Take all the pictures. Seriously. Cosplayers work super hard on their costumes and I have found that they are always happy to stop and pose for a photo! Just be polite and ask nicely and you will get some gorgeous shots of some seriously talented people! 

So there you have it! My Top Ten Con Tips for the Con Newbie! If you are going to The Amazing Las Vegas Comic Con this weekend be sure to come back here and share some of your pictures!
If I were to start a geek blog where would I begin? 

I love Cosplay. I love Cons. I love feeling like I am at home when I am surrounded by like minded geeks who love the same things that I do. 

I love Tabletop games. Competition. Cooperation. Friends gathered to slay the monsters. 

Still...who am I to write about geek stuff? When it comes to geekery I am still what is considered a NOOB. There is the fear that I will be called out as a "fake" geek girl. I'm not sure why anyone would consider me fake but as a girl it is a fear. Especially when you are just really starting to embrace your geek. Girls get labeled "fake" "poser" "attention seeking" when they say they like video games, D&D, or tabletop games. This is unfair and untrue. 

So I decided there should be a place for those who are just starting out. Those who want to learn to embrace their inner geek without being judged or laughed out. A place for both guys and girls to learn about new games. To read about fun tutorials. To simply come and enjoy being a geek. 

So that is why Geekish. 

This blog will feature lots of geeky stuff. Games, Movies, Cons, Cosplay...the sky is the limit. That is the BEST part of embracing your geek. You get permission to be blissfully excited about all these things and here there is no judgement, no question is stupid, you can geek out as hard as you want and no one will question it. 

So Welcome to Geekish. Time to get your geek on.
I have been so excited about this box from Loot Crate! From the moment that I got the email announcing that this box was going to be a thing I was on pins and needles waiting for it to be released! The day that it went live for purchase I immediately got it and low and behold this past Saturday it arrived! 

So let's check out this Loot! 

The Box itself was so exciting to see. Fun and bright compared to the standard all black of the normal crate. 

1. Borderlands Mad Moxxi Nail wraps via Espionage Cosmetics  I was so excited to see that Espionage Cosmetics was partnering up with Loot Crate for this box! I love their geeky nail wraps and they were my number one table to visit at Planet Comiccon this year. I am so happy to see that geeky makeup products are coming into fashion and Espionage Cosmetics do them right! These wraps are just adorable and fun! 

2. The Walking Dead Charm Wrap Bracelet- Super cute bracelet and not in your face with massive charms. This is simple and just the right amount of subtle geekery. I predict I will wear this very very often. 

3. DC Bombshells Wonder Woman Mini Figure- HOW CUTE IS THIS?!?!?! I love Wonder Woman and I really love the DC Bombshells look. This little mini will be happy placed with all my other geeky items that cover nearly every surface of my house! 

4. Fangirls Coloring Book and Color Pencils by Her Universe Press- I love to color. I have a 3 year old so of course coloring is part of my every day existence. This is a cute little coloring book. Kinda cheesy but hey I don't mind. 

5. Star Trek Uhura Clutch Bag- This is beyond amazing. This was such a surprise to find in the box and I absolutely love it. It is actually a pretty big bag on the inside and very well made. Also the Tribble charms on the side made my day! 

6. Women of Marvel Skater Dress by Her Universe- I knew that there was going to be a dress included in this box but had no idea what it was going to look like. I also wasn't sure how true to size it was going to run either so this was a bit nerve wracking for me. I am so pleased to say that it fit amazingly and was absolutely true to size and it is just plain AWESOME. I love that the dress is mostly black with just the accent of the Women of Marvel. So awesome to have a dress that features just the girls on it! I will be wearing this to a con in the future! Or just out on the town! 

Overall I give the Fangirl Loot Crate a 9.5 out of 10. It was really a fun box but it was on the pricey side marked at $55. I do think that with the inclusion of the dress and clutch however that the price point wasn't too far off it's just on the higher side of my subscription boxes. 

*Note- I purchased this with my own money and as always my opinions are my own. I do however have an affiliate code if you should ever be interested in purchasing your own Loot Crate. It is good for $5 off your first Loot Crate!