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Why Geekish?

By 12:00:00 AM , ,

If I were to start a geek blog where would I begin? 

I love Cosplay. I love Cons. I love feeling like I am at home when I am surrounded by like minded geeks who love the same things that I do. 

I love Tabletop games. Competition. Cooperation. Friends gathered to slay the monsters. 

Still...who am I to write about geek stuff? When it comes to geekery I am still what is considered a NOOB. There is the fear that I will be called out as a "fake" geek girl. I'm not sure why anyone would consider me fake but as a girl it is a fear. Especially when you are just really starting to embrace your geek. Girls get labeled "fake" "poser" "attention seeking" when they say they like video games, D&D, or tabletop games. This is unfair and untrue. 

So I decided there should be a place for those who are just starting out. Those who want to learn to embrace their inner geek without being judged or laughed out. A place for both guys and girls to learn about new games. To read about fun tutorials. To simply come and enjoy being a geek. 

So that is why Geekish. 

This blog will feature lots of geeky stuff. Games, Movies, Cons, Cosplay...the sky is the limit. That is the BEST part of embracing your geek. You get permission to be blissfully excited about all these things and here there is no judgement, no question is stupid, you can geek out as hard as you want and no one will question it. 

So Welcome to Geekish. Time to get your geek on.

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  1. i love this! i don't know if i am as into cosplay or cons as you, but i can appreciate them for sure. embrace your geek!
